Journal Articles by M. Liu
M. Liu
L. Grajciar
C. J. Heard
The role of defects in high-silica zeolite hydrolysis and framework healing
The role of defects in high-silica zeolite hydrolysis and framework healing
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,
T. Benešová
M. Liu
P. Nachtigall
C. J. Heard
Oxygen exchange mechanisms in zeolite chabazite under steaming conditions
Oxygen exchange mechanisms in zeolite chabazite under steaming conditions
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,
M. Jin
M. Liu
P. Nachtigall
L. Grajciar
C. J. Heard
Mechanism of Zeolite Hydrolysis under Basic Conditions
Mechanism of Zeolite Hydrolysis under Basic Conditions
Chemistry of Materials,
M. Liu
O. Veselý
P. Eliášová
M. Shamzhy
P. Lyu
L. Grajciar
Identification of the most active sites for tetrahydropyranylation in zeolites: MFI as a test case
Elsevier BV, 2020
Identification of the most active sites for tetrahydropyranylation in zeolites: MFI as a test case
Elsevier BV, 2020