Dianwei Hou

Dianwei Hou

Email: houd@natur.cuni.cz

Dianwei Hou obtained his MS in Physical Electronics from Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry in 2017, after which he moved to Prague in September 2017 to begin his PhD study. As a master student, his project involved using global minimum search methods to predict infrared nonlinear optical materials. His PhD program focuses on the computational study of nanoparticles confined inside a host matrix, such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks. In order to determine their structure, state of art structure prediction codes are used and developed. Based on electronic structure calculations, the adsorption site, migration pathways and catalytic properties of metal particle doped zeolites will be investigated.

Highlights of research:

  • Using global minimum search methods, such as basin hopping, minima hopping and genetic algorithms, to identify promising structures, migration pathways and sintering mechanisms of clusters in zeolites.
  • Using computational methods to investigate catalytic properties of clusters in encapsulated environments.

(now postdoc at Korea Uni., South Korea)‬