D. Folprechtová, O. Kozlov, D. W. Armstrong, M. G. Schmid, K. Kalíková, and E. Tesařová. Enantioselective potential of teicoplanin- and vancomycin-based superficially porous particles-packed columns for supercritical fluid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, Elsevier BV, volume 1612, February 2020. O. Kozlov, Z. Kadlecová, E. Tesařová, and K. Kalíková. Evaluation of separation properties of stationary phases in supercritical fluid chromatography$\mathsemicolon$ deazapurine nucleosides case study. Microchemical Journal, Elsevier BV, volume 150, pages 104137, November 2019. O. Kozlov, K. Kalíková, T. Gondová, M. Budovská, A. Salayová, and E. Tesařová. Fast enantioseparation of indole phytoalexins in additive free supercritical fluid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, Elsevier BV, volume 1596, pages 209-216, July 2019. O. Kozlov, Z. Kadlecová, M. Gilar, T. Gondová, K. Kalíková, and E. Tesařová. Systematic evaluation of selected supercritical fluid chromatography diol- and diethylamine-based columns for application in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. Separation Science Plus, Wiley, volume 2, issue 3, pages 81-88, March 2019.